Heidi Kitrosser

Prof. Kitrosser Quoted on Use of Snowden-Leaked Images in Whitney Museum Art Exhibit

Professor Heidi Kitrosser is quoted in an article in Blouinartinfo International on the first amendment ramifications of Laura Poitras' use of classified images in Poitras' new art exhibit at the Whitney Museum of American Art. The images were among the items leaked by Edward Snowden to Poitras and Glenn Greenwald in 2013. As explained in the article, "news of the covert intelligence program to which the works pertain will have scarcely broken—[on January 29th], in two stories on The Intercept—before the large-scale prints go on view to the public on February 5." The article quotes Kitrosser explaining, among other things, that any prosecution would constitute an "extraordinary step," given Poitras' status as a journalist and both her and the Whitney Museum's status as third party publishers of the images.