Oren Gross

Oren Gross

Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Irving Younger Professor of Law

Prof. Gross Calls to 'Denounce Hooligans Who Jeered a Guest Lecturer at the Law School'

Professor Oren Gross published an op-ed in the Star Tribune in which he stated that shouting down a visiting Israeli professor at the Law School was an affront to basic rights and had an overtly anti-Semitic tone. Not only do these acts of cultural hooliganism present a real threat to free speech and the free exchange of ideas, but they demonstrated the anti-Semitic attitude of the perpetrators, Gross explained. Gross calls on University of Minnesota authorities to condemn the cultural hooligans who disrupted Professor Moshe Halbertal's John Dewey Lecture for their infringement of basic rights and for their anti-Semitic message and argues that the University must investigate, determine whether any university students violated university policies and, if so, impose appropriate discipline.