Alexandra Klass

Prof. Klass Interviewed on MPR on Public Comment Period for Polymet Copper-Nickel Mine

Professor Alexandra Klass was interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio regarding the upcoming public comment period on the controversial Polymet copper-nickel mine proposed for northern Minnesota. It would be the first mine of its kind in the state, and many regulators, other experts, and the public have raised concerns regarding water pollution and other environmental harms generally associated with such mines. The public comments period is being conducted this month by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and various federal agencies under the National Environmental Policy Act and the Minnesota Environmental Policy Act. These laws trigger environmental review of major government actions as well as major private actions, like the proposed mine, that require state and federal permit approvals. Agencies will use the analyses conducted during the environmental review process, including public comments and agency responses to those comments, in making decisions on permits required to construct and operate the mine.