The New Realism for Business Law and Economics

November 7, 2019, 3:00 pm - November 8, 2019, 5:00 pm
Walter F. Mondale Hall

University of Minnesota Law School
229 19th Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Speaker Langevoort

This conference explores how real-world analyses of what business lawyers do, informed by theory, empirical, and tech methodology (such as linguistic analysis), can yield payoffs for scholarship, pedagogy, and practice. 

Keynote address by Don Langevoort, Georgetown University Law Center, "Lawyers as Realists: Negotiating the 'Suppositions' of the Social Sciences"

Conference Participants:
Afra Afsharipour, UC Davis School of Law
Robert Anderson IV, Pepperdine School of Law
Stephen Choi, NYU School of Law
Alfredo Contreras, Data Scientist at Brightflag
Elisabeth de Fontenay, Duke Law School
Anna Gelpern, Georgetown University Law Center 
Mitu Gulati, Duke University School of Law
Sean Griffith, Fordham University School of Law
Claire Hill, University of Minnesota Law School
David Hoffman, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Matthew Jennejohn, BYU J. Reuben Clark Law School 
Donald Langevoort, Georgetown University Law Center 
Ann Lipton, Tulane University Law School
Jeremy McClane, University of Illinois College of Law 
Brett McDonnell, University of Minnesota Law School
Joe McGrath, Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin
Aaron Minster, J.D., University of Minnesota Law School, 2017
Yaron Nili, University of Wisconsin Law School
Usha Rodrigues, University of Georgia School of Law
Andrew Winton, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota

Conference Agenda

CLE Credits
8.25 Standard CLE credits have been requested. Event Code #280215

A contintental breakfast will be provided on November 8. Panera Bread Boxed Lunches can be ordered in advance for $11.50 through the registration link above. Complimentary refreshments will be provided on both days. 

Parking Information
Donald Langevoort

Keynote speaker
Georgetown University Law Center

Sponsored by

The University of Minnesota Law School's Institute on Law and Economics, Faeger Bakers Daniels, Bloomberg Law, and Dorsey & Whitney.

Christa Daszkiewicz
Event is free and open to the public. Registration is required due to room capacity requirements and if ordering a boxed lunch.