Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Prof. Steve Cribari is a co-author of “Digital Evidence in the Courtroom: A Guide for Law Enforcement and Prosecutors,” published by DOJ’s National Institute of Justice. The book is the fourth in a series of guides,…
Zach Biesanz and Abigail Allen, student attorneys in Professor Prentiss Cox's Consumer Protection Clinic, were both quoted in RESPA News, a trade publication for the title insurance industry. The case they…
Professor Bruce Shnider has joined the editorial board of the Journal of Deferred Compensation. The…
Professor Brian Bix was interviewed by Minnesota Public Radio about a legislation proposal that would effectively create a presumption that children should spend significant amounts of time each week with both…
Professor Jill Hasday was the guest on Minnesota Public Radio’s Midday program, “Showdown Coming Over Executive Privilege.” Professor Hasday discussed executive privilege and separation of powers, and…
Professor Stephen Befort was quoted in a story in the Star Tribune entitled, “Customer Service and Faith Clash at Registers.” The story discusses the increasing occurrence of Muslim cashiers in the Twin…
Prof. Kirtley was quoted in the New York Times concerning the impact of the I. Lewis Libby Jr. trial on a federal reporter's privilege. Professor Kirtely also appeared on the KARE-11 ten o'clock news,…
In the Advantage article, Professor Bruce Shnider mentions at least three tax traps that can arise including the need for creative structuring of the merger and acquisition (M&A) deal, state and…
Professor Stephen Befort was quoted in a feature story in the St. Paul Pioneer Press entitled "Freedom of Faith on Company Time?" The story examined the growing trend of Muslim employees challenging…
Professor Barry Feld criticized a legislative proposal to lower from fourteen to thirteen the age at which youths could be transferred to criminal court for prosecution as an adult. He characterized as “…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in the Los Angeles Times on Feb. 16, 2007, in discussing the decision of two San Francisco Chronicle reporters to grant a promise of confidentiality to a source who leaked…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was a panelist and facilitator at a workshop, "Hot Issues in Ethics" on February 9 at the American Bar Association's Forum on Communications Law 12th Annual Conference in Key Largo, Florida,…