Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Within the past six months, three state courts have cited Feld's research on various aspects of juvenile justice administration: In re Andrew,--- N.E.2d ----, 2008 WL 4367288 (Ohio,2008) (juvenile’s…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Los Angeles Times, discussing whether the newspaper should accede to demands of the McCain-Palin campaign and violate its promise of confidentiality to the…
Professor Myron Orfield was a guest of Jearlyn Steele, host of WCCO radio's Steele Talkin' program. The Sunday evening program covers regional topics of interest ranging from politics and education to…
Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in an investigative story by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer about the failure of federal bank regulators related to mortgage lending. Cox also appeared on the Mondale…
Professor Brian Bix was quoted in an Minnesota Lawyer story relating to a Minnesota Supreme Court decision, C.O. v. John Doe (Oct. 2, 2008). The State Supreme Court decided that a trial court had…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted by McClatchy News Service in a story about the FBI's refusal to release at least 15,000 pages of records relating to its investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks. The agency…
Clinical Professor Prentiss Cox continues to appear in various media to discuss the mortgage lending collapse and the bailout of financial institutions. Cox was quoted in a front page story in the
Professor Ann M. Burkhart has been elected a Fellow in the American College of Mortgage Attorneys. Fellowship is by nomination only. Candidates must be nominated by a current Fellow and approved by the State…
Professor Jane Kirtley delivered the keynote address, "Taking Offense: Expression and Access Rights on Trial" at the Minnesota Coalition for Intellectual Freedom's Annual Dinner marking Banned Books Week at the…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in the Star Tribune after St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman announced that journalists arrested at the Republican National Convention will not be prosecuted. Coleman added that…
Clinical Professor Prentiss Cox appeared on the Good Question segment of WCCO-TV News, to discuss the relationship between the current financial crisis and unfair and imprudent mortgage lending…
Prof. Kirtley delivered the "State of the First Amendment" keynote address at the University of Kentucky's annual First Amendment Celebration on September 16. She described challenges to freedom of the press and…