Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted on Politico and in the…
Professor Ralph Hall's testimony at the House Energy & Commerce Committee's Subcommitte on Health's hearing on medical device approvals, safety and innovation was quoted on Healthwatch, The Hill's…
Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin has been awarded a British Academy Grant for her research in the area of "Assessing Gender Harms and Remedies in Post-Conflict Societies." The British Academy is the United Kingdom?s…
Professor Barry Feld was quoted in the Pioneer Press explaining the criminal procedural details of how a defendant can plead guilty without actually admitting she is guilty. Feld explained how an Alford…
Professor Bernard Levinson's book entitled, Deuteronomy and the Hermeneutics of Legal Innovation (Oxford University Press, 1997), was referenced under the word "oneiromancer," a person who interprets…
Professor Susan Wolf was quoted in Science on the current debate over return of individual research results to participants in genetic and genomic research. In the Feb. 11 issue devoted to challenges…
Professor Herbert Kritzer has been appointed to social science oversight panel of the United Kingdom's Research Excellence Framework 2014. REF2014 is charged with evaluating the quality of research in the UK's…
Professor Susan Wolf was quoted in USA Today on a new report from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston that states that new forms of DNA testing of a child may reveal that the genetic parents are close…
The Fifth Circuit cited the scholarship of Professor Kristin Hickman in Burks v. United States, No. 09-11061 (5th Cir. Feb. 9, 2011). In Burks, the Fifth Circuit invalidated Treas. Reg. 301.6501(…
Professor Jane Kirtley appeared on a Minnesota State Bar Association panel entitled "Hand-Held Devices & Privacy: We Know What You Read, Bought, Watched, Ate and Emailed Last Summer - Are You Scared?" in…
Professor Amy Monahan contributed to the New York Times' Room for Debate discussion of public pension plan reform. Monahan's remarks addressed the legal limitations on public pension reform in the context…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in a Bloomberg news story about reductions in pension benefits for public employees, and the legal uncertainty surrounding these changes. Monahan noted that while many…