Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by MPR's Laura Yuen for a story about John Hoff, better known as "Johnny Northside," a blogger who is defending a libel case brought in Hennepin County by a former community…
Professor Tom Cotter was cited 38 times in a new Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report entitled, The Evolving IP Marketplace: Aligning Patent Notice and Remedies with Competition. The report is the…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Politico article about the Obama administration's aggressive legal offensive against federal employees who disclose information without authorization, and the journalists who…
Professor William McGeveran was quoted in an article in the Star Tribune entitled, "Local blogger's defamation trial could have broad effect." The story details a defamation lawsuit against local blogger…
Professor Jane Kirtley conducted two workshops for collegiate journalists at the Associated Collegiate Press National College Journalism Convention in Hollywood, CA. The topics were "When Do Online Comments Become a…
At the confirmation hearing for Berkeley Law Professor Goodwin Liu's nomination to the Ninth Circuit, Senator Al Franken read into the record portions of Professor Richard Painter's…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch article entitled, "Hospital association official accuses reporters of lobbying." The story reported that a lobbyist for the Missouri…
Professor Claire Hill's article, "Why Did The Rating Agencies Do Such A Bad Job Rating Subprime Securities?", originally published in the Pittsburgh Law Review, has been chosen to be included in the 2011…
Professor Richard Frase was quoted in an article on MPR News entitled, "Trial underway for former nurse accused of assisting suicides." William Melchert-Dinkel was accused of seeking out, online, and encouraging…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted on Politico and in the…
Professor Ralph Hall's testimony at the House Energy & Commerce Committee's Subcommitte on Health's hearing on medical device approvals, safety and innovation was quoted on Healthwatch, The Hill's…