Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Politico article on an apparent violation of the Hatch Act by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius who endorsed a candidate for governor of North Carolina in…
Professor William McGeveran was quoted in a Bloomberg Business Week article entitled "Netflix Wants Everyone to Know What You're Watching." The article explains that Netflix wants to amend the 1988 Video…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted extensively in an ABC News story on the President Obama campaign's use of an official photo of the President and his family in the Oval Office. Painter observed that although…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in an ABC News story on President Obama's combined official and political travel on Air Force One in the months leading up to the election. ABC News reported that: "Richard…
Professor Myron Orfield was quoted in a Huffington Post article, entitled "Charter School Segregation Target Of New Report." Orfield says that charter schools increase racial segregation, even in public schools.
Professor Jane Kirtley's 2010 Minnesota Law Review article on legal protection for the identity of anonymous online posters was cited in an opinion by the Indiana State Court of Appeals extensively. The…
Professor Jennifer Green, along with Professor Michael Bazyler of Chapman University School of Law, wrote an opinion piece entitled "Hold Corporations Accountable" for The National Law Journal. The…
Professor Myron Orfield was a guest on Minnesota Public Radio to discuss integration efforts in Minnesota schools. Orfield was part of a 12-person task force that recommends greater oversight of how schools spend…
Professor Jane Kirtley was a panelist at a conference entitled, "The Media World After WikiLeaks and News of the World," held at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization headquarters…
Professor Myron Orfield was part of the Minnesota Department of Education's Integration Revenue Replacement Task Force…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigation of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., in an article in Capital, a new on-line news publication in New York co-founded by former…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in an editorial in the Washington Examiner on the Stop Insider Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act which is pending in House-Senate conference. The opinion…