Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Ralph F. Hall was quoted in the New York Times on a forthcoming report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) on recommendations to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on medical devices. The…
Professor Alexandra Klass was quoted in a Star Tribune article about the Minnesota Court of Appeals ruling that letting damaging chemicals cross property lines is trespassing. Klass said that the decision "…
Professor Claire Hill published an article in The European magazine on the rating agencies' recent downgrades in Europe. Hill argued, "Whatever we may conclude as to how their misratings in the preceding…
Professor John Matheson presented his paper, Common Law Veil Piercing in the USA: An Empirical Examination, at the 8th Annual International Conference on Law, July 18-21, 2011. The conference was hosted by…
Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on KUOW Puget Sound Public Radio's Weekday program, "The Moral Dilemma of Advertising." Kirtley discussed the legal and ethical issues raised bv the Seattle mayor's threat to…
Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the Lawyer2Lawyer podcast, "Inside Rupert Murdoch's Phone Hacking Scandal," produced by Legal Talk Network. Kirtley discussed the media law and ethics issues arising…
Professor Amy Monahan addressed the Fiscal Affairs & Government Operations Committee of the Southern Legislative Conference at its 65th annual meeting. Monahan discussed the legal limitations on public employee…
Myron Orfield, Professor of Law and Executive Director of the Institute on Race & Poverty (IRP), will speak at the White House on Monday, July 18, at a summit, entitled "Forum on First Suburbs, Inclusion,…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Star Tribune column about the phone-hacking scandal involving newspapers owned by Rupert Murdoch. Kirtley discussed how "the lack of privacy laws have contributed to…
Professor Claire Hill was quoted in the German newspaper Die Zeit on the recent rating agency downgrades of sovereign debt in Portugal. Hill opined that asking rating agencies to take into account the…
Professor Herbert Kritzer was quoted by Star Tribune columnist Gail Rosenblum in a piece questioning the calls for creating "Caylee's Law" in the aftermath of the acquittal of Casey Anthony who was accused…
Professor Prentiss Cox was a guest on Minnesota Public Radio's Midmorning broadcast. The show detailed how Minnesota foreclosures keep the economy from recovering. Since the recession began, the state has surpassed…