Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor June Carbone's book, Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family (with Naomi Cahn), was discussed in an article by journalist and Syracuse Law Professor David Cay Johnston in…
Energy Transition Lab Executive Director Ellen Anderson and Faculty Director Hari Osofsky were featured in a Midwest Energy News article entitled "Former Minnesota Lawmaker Taking a Global Focus on Energy." The…
Professor Hari Osofsky presented at the Association of American Law Schools Academic Symposium on "Congressional Dysfunction and Executive Lawmaking During the Obama Administration." During the second panel,…
Professor Paul Vaaler appeared in the "Good Question" segment on WCCO-TV News, answering the question "Why Do We Still Have Fuel Surcharges?" Vaaler talked specifically about the recent decrease in gasoline and…
Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in a recent Reuters article discussing recent investigations in China, Europe, and the U.S. of Qualcomm's patent licensing practices. Firms often commit to licensing so-called…
Professor June Carbone participated in a Futures Roundtable on CBS Minnesota Radio News and Views with Roshini Rajkumar ('97). The show featured a panel looking at likely developments over the next year…
The New York Times published an article on bipartisan efforts to limit lobbyists influence over state attorneys general that featured quotes from and a photo of Professor Richard Painter. According to…
The U.K.-based Research Exercise Framework (REF), which ranks institutions for research outputs, research environment and research impact and overall rankings in each discipline, issued its results and rankings.…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Reuters column by Alison Frankel, assessing the legal significance of a letter threatening news organizations who received information hacked from Sony Pictures…
Professor William McGeveran, an expert on digital privacy law, was quoted extensively on the popular Wall Street Journal Law Blog about documents stolen by hackers from Sony Pictures. Sony's lawyer,…
Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on "AirTalk" on KPCC public radio in Los Angeles, discussing the legal and ethical issues facing news organizations that publish the contents of emails and other proprietary…
Professor Myron Orfield was interviewed for an MPR News article entitled "As Cities Spar Over Housing Spots, Working Poor Just Want a Home." Orfield discussed the Met Council housing plan, which gives higher goals…