Faculty in the News

Faculty News

In A Return To Judging: Genetics and Biotechnologies in the Courts (published in the Winter Edition of GeneWatch), Professor Michele Goodwin argues against judicial minimalism in biotech cases.…
The widely-read TaxProf Blog has published Professor Kristin Hickman's reaction to the Supreme Court's decision in Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research v. United States, No. 09-837, issued…

In an opinion handed down today, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed with the conclusion and many of the arguments in an

Professor William McGeveran wrote a column in Capital New York strongly criticizing a recent copyright claim by the famous artist Jeff Koons against the sale of bookends in the shape of balloon dogs.…
Professor Ralph Hall was quoted in an InsideHealthPolicy.com article entitled "Device Industry Seeks Common Ground On User Fees As Negotiations Begin." The article states that medical device industry trade groups…
Professor Bernard Levinson's essay entitled, "The King James Bible at 400: Scripture, Statecraft, and the American Founding" was published in a special supplement to the November issue of History Channel…
Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in the Star Tribune in a story about the appointment of a new Commissioner of Commerce, attorney and DFL activist Michael Rothman, by Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton. Cox…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Los Angeles Times article on Justice Scalia's planned appearance before Congresswoman Bachmann's Tea Party Coalition. "I don't think it is appropriate for justices…
Professor Ralph Hall will be a panelist at the 4th Annual OneMedForum conference at the Sir Francis Drake hotel in San Francisco. Hall's session, "Improving the 510 (k) Process: Lessons Learned from Recent…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in an editorial, "Create An Ethical Culture and Reasonable Compensation Rules Will Follow," in Institutional Investor.
Fall 2010, Professor Michele Goodwin led an armchair discussion on the status of race in the United States with Reverend Jesse Jackson. The interview, held at Seton Hall Law School with a standing-room only…
In November, 2010, Professor Michele Bratcher Goodwin conducted an exclusive interview with Cecilia Flores-Oebanda, Founder and Director of the Visayan Forum Foundation, about sex trafficking in Asia. Professor…