Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Dale Carpenter was featured in an article entitled "Overruled!" in the July 2012 issue of Minnesota Monthly. The article follows a Q&A format asking Carpenter about his book Flagrant…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a
Professor Jane Kirtley was a member of the "Media Panel" on Twin Cities Public Television's "Almanac." Among other topics, she discussed the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in the broadcast indecency case, FCC v. Fox…
Professor Jane Kirtley took part in a panel discussion, "Media Law Reform 2.0: Advancing Press Freedom and Independent Media Around the World." She described some of the perennial threats to free press in emerging…
Professor Brad Karkkainen was quoted in The Seattle Times on the effect of a lawsuit under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) on a U.S. Navy proposal to build a second munitions wharf at Naval Base…
Professor Myron Orfield was quoted in an article in Columbus, Indiana's The Republic entitled "Charter School Leaders to Meet in Minn. as Study Shows Fast-Growing Movement has Mixed Results." The article…
Professor Ralph Hall co-authored an op-ed piece with Andrew von Eschenbach, Commissioner of the FDA during part of the Bush Administration, for the Wall Street Journal. The article, entitled "FDA Approvals…
Professor Fred Morrison is among a high-ranking delegation of health care experts from Minnesota and Washington, D.C. that will meet in Berlin on June 17-23 for a seminar on health care policy that compares U.S. and…
Professor JaneAnne Murray was quoted in a Thomson Reuters article entitled "Gupta's Fate may Hinge on Witnesses, Not Wiretaps." Murray was quoted saying, "The 'wrong place in the wrong time' defense works once, maybe…
Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed for the MinneCulture audio documentary about a 1931 Supreme Court decision, "Near v. Minnesota: How a local rag ignited a landmark First Amendment firestorm." The…
Professor Claire Hill was quoted in the International Financial Law Review on alternative models for compensating rating agencies. The Dodd-Frank Act mandated a study on such models. The major rating…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in The Wall Street Journal regarding a recent ballot initiative in San Jose, California that approved changes to pension benefits for current city workers. Monahan noted that…