Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in a Minnesota Public Radio story, relating to the Department of Justice's recent interest in antitrust issues relating to the agricultural sector. Cotter stated that, because the…
Professor Michele Bratcher Goodwin was a featured closing presenter at Hamline University School of Law for the Hamline Journal of Public Law and Policy and Hamline Critical Legal Studies Group symposium, “…
Professor Michele Bratcher Goodwin’s latest book, Baby Markets: Money and The New Politics of Creating Families (Cambridge University Press, Goodwin ed., 2010), has just been released. Scholars from across…
Professor Michele Bratcher Goodwin was a featured presenter on a Transplant News and Transplant Communications, Inc. webinar addressing litigation against the Justice Department regarding the constitutional validity…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in the New York Times in a "Week in Review" article about the conviction of Google executives for violation of Italian privacy law after allowing a video depicting a child…
“Each trial is about the government’s power to punish,” Professor Stephen Cribari said in an article in the Grand Forks Herald, regarding U.S. District Judge Ralph Erickson's recent overturning of a jury…
Professor Michele Bratcher Goodwin delivered the legal keynote address at the University of California Hastings College of Law for the Hastings Women’s Law Journal annual symposium, “Choice in the 21st…
More than 400 law professors, among them Law School Professors Carol Chomsky, Jennifer Green, Heidi Kitrosser, and Gregory Shaffer, signed a letter dated February 1st to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid…
Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in a story in the Minnesota Daily about a pending class action antitrust suit filed by a former UCLA basketball star against the NCAA. Cotter states that the NCAA matter…
Professor Daniel Schwarcz contributed to a Minnesota Public Radio story on President Obama's recent proposal to establish a Health Insurance Rate Authority that would provide Federal oversight of health insurers…
Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in the Minnesota Daily in an article about the Google Book Search settlement hearing. Cotter discusses some of the underlying copyright and antitrust issues relating to…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in the Charlotte (NC) Observer concerning a proposal in Mecklenburg County to disable a feature permitting individuals to search for property records online using the owner'…