Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Claire Hill was one of the participants in a "Room for Debate" forum in the New York Times on the sovereign downgrades in Europe. The forum considered whether the downgrades had hurt Europe,…
Professor Gregory Shaffer has a new book forthcoming with Cambridge University Press entitled Transnational Legal Process and State Change (2012). Shaffer's last book, also published by Cambridge, was…
Professors Claire Hill and Richard Painter published an op-ed in the online "Dealbook" section of the New York Times, urging that the most highly paid investment bankers be personally liable for the debts…
Professor Myron Orfield was quoted on MinnPost.com on a new Brooking Institutions study showing growing suburban poverty. Orfield said that while suburbs are getting poorer, "It's not all of them. It tends to be…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted by Outside magazine in a story about the sentencing of environmental activist Tim DeChristopher who was convicted of disrupting an oil and gas lease auction. The…
Professor Michele Goodwin was a featured guest at Renmin University Law School to speak about human trafficking. Goodwin's university lecture highlighted new forms of human trafficking, including medical research…
Professor Amy Kristin Sanders participated in the 2011 Justice and Journalism program, co-sponsored by the Judicial Conference and the First Amendment Center, at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. The program, which…
Professor Michele Goodwin wrote an article for the Chronicle of Higher Education's Brainstorm blog on the death of the deposed Libyan leader, Moammar Qaddafi. In the article, Goodwin points out that…
Professor Amy Kristin Sanders participated in "Media Law in the Digital Age," a conference for journalists and attorneys sponsored by Harvard's Berkman Center for the Internet and Society and Kennesaw State…
In connection with the distribution of her Media Law Handbook in Malayisa, Professor Jane Kirtley delivered five lectures at various universities, conducted an all-day workshop at the Malaysian Press…
Professor William McGeveran spoke to Minnesota Public Radio's Elizabeth Stawicki about the role of standing doctrine in a challenge to the federal health care reform law that is now pending before the Eighth…
Professor Dale Carpenter's debate with Maggie Gallagher, president of the Institute of Marriage and Public Policy, was featured on MPR's "Midday." Carpenter and Gallagher debated the upcoming marriage amendment…