Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Star Tribune article on the Petters bankruptcy trustee's efforts to "clawback" gains from some of Petters' investors to compensate for losses of other investors…
Professor Alexandra Klass's scholarly work on eminent domain and natural resources development was quoted in a Financial Post article on the controversy over TransCanada's $7-billion Keystone XL pipeline…
Professor Michele Goodwin wrote several articles on the legal implications arising from the recent controversy at Penn State. In her recent columns for the Chronicle for Higher Education, Goodwin takes…
Professor Jane Kirtley was the lead speaker on the panel "Privacy Protection and Related Developments in Internet Law" at the Practising Law Institute's 2011 Communications Law in the Digital Age conference in…
Professor Claire Hill was a featured guest on "Crosstalk," a program on Russia Today TV. The program dealt with prospects for the Euro and the Eurozone. The likeliest short to moderate term outcome was, Hill…
Professor Jane Kirtley delivered a lecture at Yale Law School on professional responsibility for media lawyers, with a special emphasis on legal ethics issues arising from the use of social media. Kirtley met with…
Professor Gregory Shaffer was appointed as an advisory board member of a new journal published by Cambridge University Press entitled Transnational Environmental Law. His essay "Unilateralism,…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Washington Post story about media coverage of sexual harassment allegations made against presidential candidate Herman Cain. Comparing this case with that of former…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article on a former Enron official who plans to return to the energy sector. Painter observed that former corporate officials convicted of…
Professor Myron Orfield was a guest on WCCO's "News & Views With Susie Jones" to discuss the spread of poverty into the first ring suburbs.
Professor Jane Kirtley spoke at the 2011 Ad IDEM/Canadian Media Lawyers Association Annual Conference in Montreal. She summarized U.S. media law developments as part of a panel discussion on "Social Media: New…
Professor Claire Hill was one of the participants in a "Room for Debate" forum in the New York Times on the sovereign downgrades in Europe. The forum considered whether the downgrades had hurt Europe,…