Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on KSTP to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent decision holding that Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or…

Professor Jill Hasday’s new book, Intimate Lies and the Law, was recently reviewed in the Harvard Law Review. Elizabeth Emens, the Isidor and Seville Sulzbacher Professor of Law at Columbia Law…

Professor Jill Hasday testified before the Minnesota House Committee on the Judiciary, Finance, and Civil Law. The Minnesota Legislature is considering a bill that would prohibit employers from questioning job…

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on National Public Radio’s On Point program, discussing the Constitution and the rule of law in relation to the Roger Stone case.

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on “The Mary Hanson Show,” a public television program, to discuss her new book, Intimate Lies and the Law (2019).

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on the “Dr. Wendy Walsh Show,” a KFI-AM Radio program, to discuss her new book, Intimate Lies and the Law.

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on the “Chad Hartman Show,” a WCCO Radio program, to discuss her new book, Intimate Lies and the Law.

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on “Matthews and Friends,” an Impact Radio USA program, to discuss her new book, Intimate Lies and the Law.

Professor Jill Hasday has written about how the law often does too little to protect biological siblings from being separated at adoption. The Iowa Court of Appeals, In re Interest of I.P., 2019 WL…

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on “What’s the 411? with Sharon Kay,” a WFSK-FM radio show, to discuss her new book, Intimate Lies and the Law.

Professor Jill Hasday was recently interviewed on NPR’s Weekend Edition. She discussed the constitutional issues surrounding women’s exclusion from military registration.

Professor Jill Hasday appeared before the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service on April 25. Congress created this commission to make recommendations about reforming the Selective Service…