Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Oren Gross was interviewed by FOX 9 on a possible U.S. attack on Syria. Gross said, "Between Hezbollah and al Qaeda getting control of those chemical weapons, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't."
Professor Oren Gross appeared in the "Good Question" segment on WCCO News, answering the question, "Why is the U.S. Getting Involved in Syria Now?" Gross discussed the legal and moral issues pertaining to a…
Professor Oren Gross is speaking at an international conference entitled "Securing the Freedom and Stability of Cyberspace: The Role and Relevance of International Law" in Berlin, Germany. The conference was…
Professor Oren Gross participated in a meeting convened by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to discuss military courts. The meeting, held in Geneva, Switzerland, brought together a…
Professor Oren Gross was interviewed on Access Minnesota radio for a two-part program entitled "Gaza Ceasefire and the U.N. Vote on Palestine." Host Jim du Bois interviewed Gross on the recent conflict between…
Professor Oren Gross was a guest on WCCO's News & Views with Roshini Rajkumar to talk about the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Gross is an expert in international law, national security law, international…
Professor Oren Gross' paper "When Machines Kill: Criminal Responsibility for International Crimes Committed by Lethal Autonomous Robots" was cited in an article on OpEdNews.com entitled "The Next Drones: Autonomous…
Professors Oren Gross and Fionnuala Ní Aoláin's work dealing with cognitive biases that may affect decision-making processes in times of crisis and exigency was cited by Justice Hanan Meltzer of the Israeli…
Professors Oren Gross and Fionnuala Ní Aoláin will present papers at the Institute for Advanced Studies' conference entitled "The Relations Between National Criminal Law and International Criminal Law." The…
Professor Oren Gross appeared on Israel's Channel 10 discussing the legality under United States constitutional law and international law of targeted killings in general and the killing of Anwar Al Awlaki in Yemen…
Prof. Oren Gross, an expert on international law and national security, published a Commentary with CNN about the use of torture in interrogation of suspected terrorists.
Prof. Oren Gross, an expert in international law, published an Op-Ed,"CUPE Ontario's proposed boycott of Israeli academics is just plain anti-Semitic," in one of Canada's leading newspapers--The Globe and Mail…