Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Prentiss Cox was quoted on National Public Radio's All Things Considered in a story about legislation passed this week by the Minnesota Senate that would defer foreclosure for targeted homeowners. Professor…
Professor Prentiss Cox has been quoted in various local media in January and February discussing the continued disturbing rise in foreclosures. Cox has appeared on the Twin Cities Public Television show
Professor Prentiss Cox discussed new federal mortgage regulations on the "follow-up" segment of the Midmorning show on Minnesota Public Radio.Professor Cox has also recently appeared in the St. Paul…
Prentiss Cox was quoted in a Minnesota Public Radio story on foreclosure equity stripping. The story discussed Minnesota legislation that Professor Cox drafted in 2004 and has been adopted by other states…
Prentiss Cox appeared on Almanac, a public affairs program on TPT (public television) on Friday evenings. Professor Cox discussed the problems in the mortgage industry and the rise in foreclosures.…
Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in an article in The New Republic about bank regulation and consumer protection. The article "The Nefarious Bureaucrat Who's Helping Banks Rip You Off," focused on a case…
Professor Prentiss Cox was recently quoted in USA Today about continued problems in the subprime mortgage lending industry. He stated that the problems in subprime lending were preventable. Cox also provided…
Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in the Wall Street Journal about yield spread premiums charged by mortgage brokers. Professor Cox also has been quoted recently in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, St…
Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in the Minneapolis StarTribune regarding the continued rise in mortgage foreclosures in the metropolitan area. He also has been quoted on Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), the…
Zach Biesanz and Abigail Allen, student attorneys in Professor Prentiss Cox's Consumer Protection Clinic, were both quoted in RESPA News, a trade publication for the title insurance industry. The case they…
Mortgage foreclosures are up in the Twin Cities and across the country, and one expert warns it could be just the tip of the iceberg. Prentiss Cox discussed the implications for neighborhoods and the economy as a…
The Star Tribune cited Prentiss Cox, Associate Professor of Clinical Law, in an article entitled “Payday loans rise online—and so does debt.” The article discusses the potential for hundreds of companies…