UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet: The Human Rights Challenge

March 31, 2021, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm

Online via Zoom – RSVP tdoday


With our colleagues, the Human Rights Center is proud to cohost a conversation with UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet. Ms. Bachelet began her career in medicine, moved on to become Chile's first female President, and is now working in her capacity as High Commissioner to advocate for the rights of women, girls, same-sex couples, labor organizations, and to combat gender-based violence. She will share what she considers the most pressing issues in human rights, and how we can most effectively address these as human rights institutes in US law schools.

This event will take place Wednesday, March 31 at 11 am CDT.

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Co-sponsored by: The Promise Institute for Human Rights, AUWCL Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Law, Columbia Law Human Rights Institute, Georgetown Law Human Rights Institute, University of Minnesota Human Rights Center, Yale Law Schell Center, Stanford Center for Human Rights and International Justice, UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center, Rutger Law Center for Security, Race and Rights

Emily Haeg Nguyen