Riesenfeld Rare Books Center Spring Exhibits Open House

February 8, 2017, 12:00 to 4:00 pm
Walter F. Mondale Hall
Riesenfeld Rare Books Research Center (N30, Sub-plaza)

University of Minnesota Law School
229 19th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States

The Law Library and Riesenfeld Rare Books Center cordially invite you to an open house for the Library's spring 2017 exhibits: 

“Rights Writ Large: Between the State and the Individual in International Law” & “Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective”

Rights Writ Large: Between the State and the Individual in International Law,” highlights the rich history of rights discourse, from an important origin in texts on the rights of war and peace, to development in national political discourse and international humanitarian law.  Both states and individuals have significantly claimed rights as the foundation of their legal and political existence, and at similar moments, launching a dialogue that informs important questions and problems in contemporary international law.

Transitional Justice in Historical Perspective,” explores the means by which, and how far, deep violations of law and justice are to be redressed in the wake of conflict, based on historical examples.  The exhibit showcases volumes that touch on theories and moments of transitional justice and post-conflict reconciliation: from the first legal commentary on a peace treaty, to the trial of Charles I of England, and the notebook of a Dachau war crimes prosecutor, visitors are invited to consider transitional justice from its foundations in history and comparative practice.


Light refreshments will be served.

Parking Information