Lawyering For Social Justice Series: Leo Twiggs (’11)

Rule of Law and Access to Justice Officer, United Nations Development Program – Myanmar
January 23, 2017, 12:15 to 1:15 pm
Walter F. Mondale Hall
Room N204

University of Minnesota Law Scool
229 19th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States

The Lawyering for Social Justice Series gives students the opportunity to engage with human rights and social justice practitioners to learn about their work and diverse career paths in the local, national, and international arenas.

University of Minnesota Law School Alum Leo Twiggs (’11) is a Rule of Law and Access to Justice Officer for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Myanmar. Leo oversees the Rule of Law Centre Myitkyina and other rule of law and access to justice projects in Kachin State, a region that has been torn by civil war for nearly six decades.

In Law School Leo received a Human Rights Center Fellowship and a Robina Public Policy Fellowship and he worked as a legal researched for Prof. David Weissbrodt. Before UNDP, he worked as a program officer for the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in Geneva, Switzerland.

Join us for lunch to learn about Leo’s current work and his experience forging a professional path where he can put his legal education and training to work for social justice.

Seats are limited, please RSVP through the Career Center RSVP Form.