The Dangers of Colorblindness in Law and Legal Education

Minnesota Law Community Conversations
October 21, 2020, 12:15 to 1:15 pm

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Join fellow Minnesota Law students, faculty, and staff in a series of Community Conversations that explore the intersections of individual rights with systemic inequities. Our second event in the series features two Minnesota Law alumnae who teach and write on racial justice in the law and other instiutions: Ra'Shya Ghee, '12, and Dr. Wendy Leo Moore, '00. Current Minnesota Law 3L and BLSA member Kadi Braxton will moderate the conversation about how the concept of "colorblindness" impacts efforts towards institutional inclusion racial justice. 
Ra'Shya Ghee '12

Ra’Shya Ghee is a 2012 Minnesota Law graduate and a former trial lawyer with years of experience in the areas of criminal defense and family law in Ohio. Her scholarly expertise focuses on racial inequality. She currently teaches Race and American Law at the University of Toledo College of Law and works as a staff attorney at Advocating Opportunity, making racism visible in the anti-trafficking movement. She posts regularly at:

Wendy Leo Moore '00

Dr. Wendy Leo Moore is a 2000 graduate of Minnesota Law, who also earned her Ph.D in Sociology from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Moore is an Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at Texas A&M Univeristy. As a sociologist, critical race theorist, and lawyer, Dr. Moore engages the provocative intersections of race and the law. Her research examines racial inequality and racism in the law, legal institutions and the broader social structure. 

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