U of M Day of Service

September 29, 2018, 8:00 am

Various locations
United States

Join Law School alumni and students at this year's UMN-wide community service day: Day of Service on September 29! Gophers in Minnesota, across the U.S. and around the world will come together in the spirit of maroon and gold to volunteer side by side. It’s one big day of service and gratitude! You can participate at one of the Law School hosted sites (below) or any site near you.

Feed My Starving Children - hosted by the Law School (Prof. Matheson)

Twin Cities Kids in Need Resource Center - hosted by the Carlson School of Management, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, and the Law School

San Francisco
St. Anthony's Foundation - Jennifer Ciresi '07

New York
Van Cortlandt Park cleanup -  Stephanna Szotkowski '14