2nd Annual MLK Convocation in Honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Where Do We Go From Here?" Law and Leadership in a Fractured Era
January 18, 2017, 12:15 to 1:15 pm
Walter F. Mondale Hall
Room 25 (Lockhart Hall)

University of Minnesota Law School
229 19th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States


University of Minnesota students, faculty, and staff are invited to our Second Annual MLK Convocation on Wednesday, January 18, 2017, at 12:15 PM in Lockhart Hall (Room 25). "Where Do We Go From Here? Law and Leadership in a Fractured Era" features a discussion between Dean Garry Jenkins, Senior Judge Michael Davis, '72, of the U.S. District Court of Minnesota, and Judge Nicole Starr, '03, of Minnesota's Second Judicial District.

We invite participants to explore Dr. King's speeches and writings on justice, many of which are archived digitally by The King Center at: http://www.thekingcenter.org/archive.


Light lunch will be provided for those who RSVP by Friday, January 13th.

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Law School Diversity Committee


The Law School community is invited to continue considering “Where Do We Go From Here” by proposing programs or providing feedback through the Diversity Committee’s Feedback Form.

Law School Diversity Programs