Professional Responsibility - Business – 6662

This course is a survey of rules of professional responsibility for lawyers with an emphasis on the rules that apply to lawyers in corporate and transactional practice. Issues covered include client conflicts, representing close corporations and partnerships, representing venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in start ups, taking stock in lieu of legal fees, representing public companies, Securities Exchange Commission rules of professional responsibility for lawyers under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, representing banks and other regulated companies, the role of in-house counsel, the responsibility of lawyers for client conduct, and malpractice liability for business lawyers.

Course Equivalency

Students may NOT earn credit if LAW 6661 PR-General, LAW 6663 PR-Civil Trial Lawyer, LAW 6664 PR-Criminal Law Ethics, LAW 6665 PR-Government, or LAW 6667 PR-Legal Malpractice was previously completed.

Graduation Requirements
Professional Responsibility
Subject Area
Business Law *
Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution & Advocacy
Professional Responsibility
Student Year
J.D. - 2L/3L (Upper Division)
Grade base
A - F
Course type