Donald Trump and the Powers of the Presidency

A Conversation with Ben Wittes and Moderator Alan Rozenshtein
October 3, 2019, 4:00 to 5:30 pm
Walter F. Mondale Hall
Room 25

University of Minnesota Law School
229 19th Ave South
Minneapolis, MN 55455
United States

Speaker photo

The extraordinary authority of the U.S. Presidency has no parallel in the democratic world. Today that authority resides in the hands of one man, Donald J. Trump. But rarely if ever has the nature of a president clashed more profoundly with the nature of the office. From the moment of his inauguration, President Trump has challenged our deepest expectations of the presidency. But what are those expectations, where did they come from, and to what extent are they (not) being met? What aspects of Trump are radically different from past presidents and what aspects have historical antecedents? And what are the implications for the future of the Trump administration and for presidential administrations to come?

CLE Credits
1.5 Standard CLE credits have been requested
Parking Information
Benjamin Wittes

Senior Fellow in Governance Studies, Brookings Institution and co-founder of Lawfare.

Alan Rozenshtein

Associate Professor of Law

Sponsored by

Professor Alan Rozenshtein, The Federalist Society, and the American Constitution Society

Deanna Mello