Borrowing Privileges & Policies

Non-Law University of Minnesota Twin Cities Faculty, Students & Staff

To check out materials, present your current U Card. Loan periods vary based on the type of item. Some materials can only be used in the library. Please check at the Circulation Desk for details or consult our Loan Periods Table.

Any book is subject to recall after two weeks if needed by another patron. Items needed for course reserve may be recalled immediately.

Minnesota Attorneys, Mitchell Hamline and St. Thomas Law Students

Licensed Minnesota attorneys and currently enrolled law students at Mitchell Hamline School of Law and University of St. Thomas School of Law, may apply for special Law Library borrowing privileges. These borrowing privileges allow users to check out items from the library's regular collection that circulate for 6 weeks. These privileges extend only to the Law Library's collections. Other University of Minnesota Libraries extend borrowing privileges through the University Libraries' Friends of the Libraries program.

To apply for Law Library borrowing privileges, visit the Circulation Desk and request an Application for Special Borrowing Privileges. Or email your request to [email protected]. You will need a copy of your attorney license or your current law student identification card. For more information regarding special borrowing privileges, please contact the Law Library circulation desk at [email protected] or call 612-625-4300.

Loan Periods

Loan periods vary based on the type of item charged. Not all Law Library materials circulate. Please check at the Circulation Desk for details or consult our Loan Periods Table.

Returning & Recalling Library Materials

Law library books can be returned at any campus library at the University of Minnesota. However, we ask that reserve materials and any other special materials borrowed from the law library be returned directly to the law library circulation desk. Any law library materials returned in the after-hours book drop will be checked in the next day the library is open.

For assistance in locating Law Library materials with the status "Checked out to Journal" please contact the circulation desk: email [email protected] or call 612-625-4300.

Overdues Materials & Fines Policy

While law library borrowers are expected to return materials on or before the due date, we understand that circumstances can sometimes make that difficult. If you know that you will not be able to return something by the due date, please renew it before it becomes overdue. If you are not able to return or renew by the due date, or if materials are already overdue and you wish to
discuss options, please contact the Access Services Librarian at 612-625-1547 or [email protected]. The following fees will be assessed if an item is unreturned:

Reserve Items: $1.50 per hour
Recalled Items: $5.00 per day
Study Room Keys: $5.00 per day

If you lose a law library item, please contact the Access Services Librarian at 612-625-1547 or [email protected]. Our goal is to find the material and we will be happy to search our shelves or extend time for you to search your home or office. If the item is not found, we will generate a bill and will expect you to bear to cost of replacement. The replacement charge includes a processing fee which helps to offset the cost of ordering and cataloging the material ($15.00 fee).

A book is considered "lost" when there is no response to notices and the book becomes severely overdue (30 days). In such an instance, a bill will be issued for the replacement cost ($100). If you should receive a bill and have the book in question, you may return it to avoid paying the replacement. Please direct all questions about law library charges to the Access Services Librarian at 612-625-1547 or [email protected].

Search for Missing Books

If you cannot locate a book on the shelf, you can place a Library Search Request. To make your request, visit the Circulation desk. You can also email [email protected] or call 612-625-4300.