Access & Services For Users With Disabilities

Disability parking is available in Lot C86 (West Bank) adjacent to the Mondale Hall. For more information call (612) 626-PARK. A power door is available at the main entrance of Mondale Hall (at the circle driveway). Access from Willey Hall via a service elevator may be arranged by contacting Michael Hannon at [email protected]. Please contact him before coming to the library to make arrangements.

Accessible restrooms are located on the subplaza, plaza, and 2nd floor of Mondale Hall. All floors of the law library are accessible via an elevator located on the west side of the library adjacent to the Circulation desk.

Law Library staff will accommodate reasonable requests from users with disabilities to facilitate use of collections and services. If your disability is not apparent, please identify yourself as having a disability when you seek assistance. Please contact Michael Hannon at [email protected] to discuss needed library services.

The University Libraries', Services to Library Users with Disabilities web page provides information on disability services at other libraries on the Twin Cities campus. General information on disability services at the University is available at the Disability Resource Center website or call 612-626-1333 (V/TTY).