Library Maps & Locations Guides

Library Maps 

Finding Materials with the Libraries Catalog.

Key to Library Catalog Locations: locate an item using its library catalog location designation.

Call Number Locations Table: use an item's call number to find its library location.

U.S. Law Subjects and "KF" Call Numbers: lists legal topics/subjects and their "KF" call number range.

Government Documents Locations: state, federal & United Nations

Finding Materials - Libraries Catalog (Catalog Only & Libraries Search)

The Libraries Catalog has two search modes: "Catalog Only" and "Libraries Search.Catalog Only mode searches for books, journals (but not journal articles) and other materials, e.g. multimedia. Libraries Search mode includes all the materials in Catalog Only mode plus, journal and newspaper articles. An Advanced search template is available to search in either the Catalog Only or Libraries Search modes. On the Law Library's home page the Libraries Catalog search box searches the Catalog Only.  Click on the links below the search bar to access the Advanced Search template for either Catalog Only or Libraries Search modes.

The library provides public workstations at the Circulation Desk and just inside the doors to the Plaza Level Reading Room. For assistance in using Libraries Catalog, please contact the Reference office ([email protected] or 612-625-4309).

Libraries Catalog provides the exact location of materials within the library through descriptive location designations. In the left column of the Key to Libraries Catalog Locations table below are the Law Library location designations provided in the catalog. In the center column are the abbreviated versions of these designations used on maps and signs throughout the library. In the right column are the floors where map and sign designations will be found. Consult the Law Library floor maps for further assistance or contact the Circulation Desk.


Key to Libraries Catalog Locations

Catalog DesignationMap DesignationFloor
Human Rights LibraryHUMAN RIGHTS3rd
India Pakistan (Official)IP-L4th
India Pakistan (Periodicals)IP-S4th
India Pakistan (Texts)IP-T4th
Law, Literature & the ArtsLART2nd
Looseleaf ServicesSERVPlaza
Microform CollectionMiCROFORMBasement
Rare BooksRBRRiesenfeld - Room N30
Reference OfficeLO-RPlaza
United Nations DocumentsUN DOCS4th
United States DocumentsUS DOCS2nd

Call Number Locations Table

Classified texts and treatises do not have descriptive designations in the catalog. These materials are marked on library signs and maps as TEXTS or TREATISES. The floor locations of various Library of Congress subject classes follow.

Call numbers beginning with the letter(s)
A - JV are on the 2nd floor
JX - KEZ are on the 3rd floor
KF are on the Plaza level
KFA - KFZ are on the 3rd floor
KG - Z are on the 4th floor

U.S. Law Subjects and their KF Call Numbers

Texts and treatises on American law are arranged by Library of Congress classification number on the plaza level of the library. Listed below, for browsing purposes, are some of the more common categories of federal law and their corresponding classification numbers. For more specific subjects or particular titles, check the Libraries Catalog or ask a reference librarian for assistance.

TopicCall #TopicCall #
Administration of JusticeKF 8700Legal HistoryKF 350
Administrative LawKF 5402Legal ProfessionKF 297
AgencyKF 1344Legal ResearchKF 240
AntitrustKF 1631LegislationKF4945
BankingKF 966Local GovernmentKF 5300
BankruptcyKF 1501Medical EvidenceKF 8964
Business AssociationsKF 1365Medical LegislationKF 3821
Church & StateKF 4865Military LawKF 7201
Civil ProcedureKF 8810Municipal CorporationsKF 5305
Civil RightsKF 4750Native AmericansKF 8201
Commercial PaperKF 957Negotiable InstrumentsKF 956
Common LawKF 394Nonprofit CorporationsKF 1388
Conflict of LawsKF 410Oil & GasKF 1801
Constitutional LawKF 4501PartnershipKF 1365
ContractsKF 801PatentsKF 3091
CopyrightKF 2991Personal InjuryKF 1256
CorporationsKF 1384Personal Injury, TrialKF 3925
Court ProcedureKF 8700Products LiabilityKF 1296
Creditor's RightsKF 1501Professional ResponsibilityKF 306
Criminal LawKF 9201PropertyKF 560
Criminal ProcedureKF 9601Public UtilitiesKF 2076
DiscriminationKF 4764Public WelfareKF 665
EducationKF 4101Real EstateKF 665
Employment LawKF 3455RemediesKF 9010
Employment DiscriminationKF 3464RestitutionKF 1244
Environmental LawKF 3775Restraint of TradeKF 1624
EquityKF 398SalesKF 911
Estate PlanningKF 746Secured TransactionsKF 1046
Evidence, CivilKF 8931SecuritiesKF 1440
Evidence, CriminalKF 9960SuretyshipKF 1045
Family LawKF 501TaxationKF 6301
Immigration LawKF 4819TortsKF 1246
InsuranceKF 1146Trade & CommerceKF 1970
Intellectual PropertyKF 2971Trade RegulationKF 1601
Judicial StatisticsKF 180TrademarksKF 3091
JudiciaryKF 5130Trial Practice, CivilKF 8911
JurisprudenceKF 379Trial Practice, CriminalKF 9656
Labor LawKF 3301Trial Practice, MedicalKF 8964
Legal AidKF 336Trusts & EstatesKF 726
Legal EducationKF 262UCCKF 880
Legal EthicsKF 306Workers CompensationKF 3613
  ZoningKF 5692


Government Documents

The law library also uses U.S. Superintendent of Document (SuDoc) numbers and United Nations document symbols, both of which are distinguishable from the Library of Congress class numbers displayed above by the use of slashes (/) and/or colons (:).

SuDoc numbers generally start with letter designations for major government agencies (e.g., S for the State Department publications). Documents are arranged alphabetically by SuDoc numbers in the U.S. Documents sections on the second floor of the library. A chart posted in this section explains the letter designations.

United Nations documents symbols also start with letter designations for the major organs of this organization. Documents are arranged alphabetically by these letter designations on the fourth floor of the library. The reference llibrarians can provide assistance in deciphering U.N. document symbols.The library also holds a collection of U.N. documents in microform. Contact a reference librarian or circutlation staff member for access to microform items.

Our U.S. State Documents collection is arranged by the Library of Congress classification system, (call numbers KFA-KFZ) and is located on the 3rd floor (sections E & F).