Prof. Alan Rozenshtein Quoted in Wired Saying TikTok Ban More Likely Than Ever

Professor Alan Rozenshtein was quoted in Wired and in several other media outlets about the likelihood of a ban of TikTok following the U.S. Supreme Court hearing last Friday. Experts say it is unlikely that the court will side with TikTok and block the ban from going into effect. While the justices were concerned over the First Amendment implications of the law, they appeared convinced that the app poses a substantial risk to the U.S. national security. Prof. Rozenshtein said the justices seemed more sympathetic to the government’s security concerns. He said, “It's very plausible that Tiktok picks up a couple of votes. I think the three most likely are justices Sotomayor, Gorsuch, and maybe Kagan, but I struggle to see TikTok getting five votes, which is what it needs to strike down this law.”