Prof. Alan Rozenshtein Interviewed by Roll Call About Upcoming TikTok Ban Hearing
Professor Alan Rozenshtein was interviewed by Roll Call about the upcoming TikTok ban hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court. The court will hear oral arguments Friday in a case over the future of social media giant TikTok in the United States, a challenge that experts say also could affect the power of Congress to regulate social media. Prof. Rozenshtein said he thinks the justices likely will uphold the law. In that outcome, he said the case would “not actually tell us a lot about social media regulation in general” because most policy discussions around social media regulation do not involve sensitive national security issues. That outcome changes drastically if the justices overturn the law, though. Prof. Rozenshtein said, “Now certainly if the court rules against Congress, that’s definitely going to tell us something quite dramatic about just how little power the government has to regulate social media companies. Because if the government can’t regulate a social media company given the profound national security threat in this case, when can it regulate a social media company?”