Fionnuala Ní Aoláin

Fionnuala Ní Aoláin

Honorary Kings Counsel
Regents Professor
Robina Chair in Law, Public Policy, and Society
Faculty Director, Human Rights Center
Professor, Queen's University of  Belfast, School of Law, Northern Ireland

Prof. Fionnuala Ní Aoláin Authors Commentary in Just Security About Terrorism Act in New Orleans

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin authored a commentary in Just Security about the terroristic attack in New Orleans on New Year’s Day and the discussions often missed when a crime such as this occurs. She wrote, “On slow news days at the beginning of the New Year, the focus on an ISIS link dominates media conversations. Alas, the narrow focus on ISIS has the effect of flattening out deliberative and useful conversations about self-radicalization, lone wolf terrorism, and mental health. It also means that other useful discussions are not adequately addressed, including those concerning the profiles of offenders, the tactical capacity of individuals, and the role of social media in enabling this kind of inspiration. Regrettably, when it comes to acts of violence defined as terrorism there is a tendency to avoid the logical conversations we should have as policy makers, responsible media and commentators, and instead focus on the ‘sexy’ stuff, such as the actual or alleged links with foreign terrorist organizations rather than the things we know about most crimes including the crime of terrorism.”