Prof. Jill Hasday Interviewed on SDPB Radio About South Dakota’s Abortion Rights Amendment on November Ballot
Professor Jill Hasday, Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Centennial Professor in Law, was interviewed on SDPB Radio about an abortion rights amendment on South Dakota’s Election Ballot in November. Constitutional Amendment G grants abortion rights in the first trimester, while allowing the state to regulate the procedure as a pregnancy progresses. Abortion exceptions are granted to preserve the life and health of the mother. Opponents say the language in the measure regarding “health” of the mother allows for abortion up to birth. They say the court’s interpretation of health exceptions comes from a 1973 case called Doe V. Bolton, which interpreted health exceptions to mean physical, as well as emotional and psychological. That case was decided the same day as Roe V. Wade. But Prof. Hasday said that case was tossed out with Roe. “Doe is overruled by Dobbs, the case that overruled Roe. I would be reluctant to rely on Doe V. Bolton for anything because it’s overruled.”