Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Prof. Kristin Hickman was mentioned by Jonathan Adler in a National Review article, “Trump to Get Another D.C. Circuit Vacancy to Fill,” as among the potential contenders to replace …

Professor Perry Moriearty is featured as an expert on juvenile justice and the “superpredator era” in the third episode of a new podcast by Northwestern Law School Professors Steve Drizin and Laura Nirider called…

The February 29, 2020 Rochester Post Bulletin “Answer Man” column responds to a reader’s question whether the vendors at Rochester’s SocialICE Festival need permission to make ice sculptures of…

Robina Institute Executive Director Kelly Mitchell was quoted in an article from The Appeal titled, “In a Florida Courtroom, People Charged With Probation Violations Face Humiliation From Judge.” She…

Prof. Kristin E. Hickman was quoted in Feb. 25 Bloomberg Law article, Thomas Dissent Latest Sign in Battle Over Agency Rulemaking Power, regarding Justice Clarence Thomas's dissent from the…

Prof. Kristin E. Hickman's work on the Chevron doctrine, concerning judicial review of agency statutory interpretations, was cited by the Fifth Circuit in Ali v. Barr, No. 17-60604-CV0 (…

Professor Barry Feld’s research on juveniles’ competence to exercise procedural rights was recently cited and quoted by the Washington and Iowa State Supreme Courts in the following cases: 

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on National Public Radio’s On Point program, discussing the Constitution and the rule of law in relation to the Roger Stone case.

On February 13, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will hear oral argument in Qualcomm’s appeal from a district court ruling last year finding Qualcomm’s patent licensing practices to…

Professor William McGeveran, an expert in privacy and data protection law, appeared at the international Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection conference in…

Professor Smith was quoted in a Tax Notes Today article (subscription required) about the use of “designated orders” issued by the United States Tax Court. Professor Smith detailed lessons that…