Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Turoski’s article, “Patent Filings Indicate Continued Growth in Gut Microbiome Market,” co-authored with former student Dr. Anil K. Sharma, was featured on “Brain Food—The Official Blog of IFT.”…

Professor Brett McDonnell had a commentary, “How Do We Ensure CEOs Act for Stakeholders?,” published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on August 29, 2019. The commentary responded to a recent…

The British intellectual property law blog IPKat published an interview with Professor Tom Cotter. Authored by Léon Dijkman and titled On economic analysis of IP law: an interview with Professor Tom Cotter…

Prof. Kristin Hickman's article with Gerald Kerska '17, Restoring the Lost Anti-Injunction Act, 103 Va. L. Rev. 1683 (2017), was cited by Judge Amul Thapar's dissent from the denail of rehearing en banc…

Prof. Kristin Hickman was interviewed and quoted by Tax Notes regarding the Sixth Circuit's "close call" decision to deny rehearing en banc in CIC Services, LLC v. IRS, 2019 WL 4051864 (Aug. 28, 2019).…

Professor Jill Hasday has written about how the law often does too little to protect biological siblings from being separated at adoption. The Iowa Court of Appeals, In re Interest of I.P., 2019 WL…

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on “What’s the 411? with Sharon Kay,” a WFSK-FM radio show, to discuss her new book, Intimate Lies and the Law.

Professor Kristin Hickman was quoted in a Tax Notes article, Entering the Next Frontier of Tax and Administrative Law, regarding the broader implications of a federal district court’s holding in…

Prof. Kristin Hickman was quoted in a Bloomberg article, “Could the White House Get Creative, Fix Tax Law’s Retail Glitch?,” regarding the potential for the Treasury Department to fix a supposed legislative…

Professor Kristin Hickman was quoted in a Bloomberg article, IRS Could Face More Court Battles After Nonprofit Donor Ruling, regarding a federal district court's holding in Bullock v. IRS,…

Professor and John and Bruce Mooty Chair in Law & Business, Paul M. Vaaler, published an op-ed in the Star Tribune explaining why several international airlines, including major U.S.

Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in Law360 article titled "EU's 1st Fine In 16 Years Shows Predatory Pricing Challenges." The article discusses the European Commissions' recent decison to fine Qualcomm €242 million…