Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Carol Chomsky presented a paper on "Military Injustice and the Public Eye: The U.S.-Dakota War Trials of 1862" at the University of Tennessee Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil…

Professor Carol Chomsky presented on "Freedom of Expression and Academic Freedom"  to the Big Ten Academic Alliance Academic Leadership Program (on a panel with Jonathan Friedman, Director, Free…

Client of Law School's Clemency Project Featured in Article in Star Tribune

Professor Susanna Blumenthal told ABC News that the amendment could have had a lasting impact.

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin will appear as a witness during the upcoming Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission Hearing, titled: …

“I know there is a cry for clear, grand gestures from the international community, but we we need something more old-fashioned and reliable,” Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin recently told The…

Professor Paul Vaaler discussed the upcoming trial in a case brought by the Minnesota Attorney General seeking to remove the trustees of the Otto Bremer Trust. Vaaler said the case is likely to come down to a…

Prof. Kristin Hickman was quoted in a Tax Notes article, CIC Services Order Could Prompt Congressional Action, documenting a panel discussion at the American Bar Association Tax Section's…

Professor Jonathan Choi authored a piece in the Washington Post discussing tax reform and the preferential taxation of carried interest. The op-ed argues that Congress should tax…

Professor Alexandra Klass was interviewed about the litigation and protests surrounding the construction of the Line 3 oil pipeline from Canada through Minnesota.

"We've had a disappointing couple of days, I think, from the Human Rights Council...We know what the Taliban has been doing for six months as it has swept through Afghanistan and before that.…

Human rights advocates worldwide are concerned about the position of Afghan women after the Taliban takeover. Speaking to Al Jazeera, Prof. Fionnuala Ní Aoláin said, "The…