Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Visiting Assistant Professor Megan Walsh was interviewed by Kare 11 on a potential breakthrough in gun violence prevention being proposed by a bipartisan group of US Senators. Commenting on the agreement,…

Professor Alan Rozenshtein was quoted by the Washington Post in an opinion piece entitled,  "Why Liz Cheney’s ‘seditious conspiracy’ talk is awful for Trump."

“Seditious conspiracy is, at…

Prof. June Carbone was quoted by the Star Tribune in an article, In custody battles, system can be manipulated, slain boy's case shows, regarding a judge's decision to grant a mother custody of her…

Prof. Kristin Hickman was quoted by Bloomberg Law in an article, How Biden Has Made Policy With Short-Term, Costly Rules, regarding the Biden administration's reliance on "short-term" temporary regulations…

Prof. Fionnuala Ní Aoláin has written an article in Foreign Affairs on "The Child Victims of ISIS: Repatriating the Residents of Syria’s Detention Camps." She describes the dire situation that children are…

A May 26, 2022 article in Yahoo! Finance titled Baby formula shortage raises the question of whether 'Big Formula' should be broken up discusses a recent congressional hearing concerning the shortage of…

Visiting Professor David Schultz authored an op-ed in Pioneer Press entitled, "If you think abortion rights are safe in Minnesota, think again." 

Professor Jill Hasday's op-ed, "On Roe, Alito cites a judge who treated women as witches and property," was published in…

Prof. Tom Cotter's Extraterritorial Damages in Copyright Law, 74 Fla. L. Rev.

Professor Jill Hasday was quoted in the Boston Globe and the Toronto Globe & Mail discussing the recently leaked draft Supreme Court opinion overturning Roe v. Wade…

Professor Jonathan Choi was quoted by Mother Jones in an article discussing the preferential taxation of private equity firms. 

Professor Jill Hasday appeared on Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer to discussed the leaked U.S. Supreme Court opinion relating to Roe v. Wade.