Francis Shen

Francis Shen

  • Professor of Law
  • Solly Robbins Distinguished Research Fellow
446 Mondale Hall


  • University of Chicago, B.A.
  • Harvard Law School, J.D.
  • Harvard University, Ph.D.


  • American Political System
  • Criminal Law
  • Empirical Legal Studies
  • Law & Neuroscience
  • Medicine & Law
  • Science & Law

Professor Francis X. Shen is an expert at the intersection of law and neuroscience, as well as law and artificial intelligence. He is a Member of the Faculty of the UMN Graduate Program in Neuroscience, and Co-Chair of the UMN Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Sciences. He directs the Shen Neurolaw Lab, whose motto is: Every story is a brain story.

Dr. Shen is building the new field of law and neuroscience, and conducts empirical, legal, and ethical research to examine how insights from neuroscience and artificial intelligence can make the legal system more just and effective. He also explores the ethical, legal, and social implications of advances in neurotechnology. He has co-authored 4 books, including the first Law and Neuroscience casebook (Aspen, with Jones and Schall), with a 5th book under contract with MIT Press / Penguin Random House. In 2021, he was awarded the Early Career Scholars Medal by the American Law Institute, one of two medals awarded every other year by the ALI. In announcing the award, the ALI recognized Francis as “a pioneer in establishing the interdisciplinary field of law and neuroscience.”

In the classroom, Professor Shen has taught Criminal Law, Evidence, Introduction to American Law, Law & Neuroscience, Law & Artificial Intelligence, and Education Law. He has provided judicial education and training in programs sponsored by organizations such as the Federal Judicial Center, National Judicial College, American Bar Association, National Association of State Judicial Educators, American Judges Association, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

A prodigious fundraiser, Dr. Shen’s work has been supported by the NIH, NSF, multiple foundations, and private philanthropy. He currently co-leads two NIH BRAIN Initiative grants, one on portable MRI and one on community engagement in neuroimaging research. He is also the Founding Director of the Dana Foundation Career Network on Neuroscience & Society (

Professor Shen is active in many areas of law and neuroscience. He founded and directs the Law & Neuroscience Works in Progress Workshop for younger scholars, he serves pro bono as Chief Innovation Officer of the Center for Law, Brain & Behavior at MGH. He is also a member of the Teaching Faculty of the Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics, where he has taught Law, Ethics & Neuroscience and Bioethics and Artificial Intelligence.

Professor Shen joined the faculty as an associate professor in 2012. He previously served as Executive Director of Education and Outreach for the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience. 

Professor Shen completed his B.A. in economics and English at the University of Chicago in 2000, his J.D. at Harvard Law School in 2006, and his Ph.D. in government and social policy at Harvard University and the Kennedy School of Government in 2008. During graduate school he was a doctoral fellow in the Harvard University Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality & Social Policy, supported by the National Science Foundation. From 2007-09, he was a teaching fellow, lecturer, and assistant director of undergraduate studies in the Harvard Department of Government and received five Certificates of Distinction for Excellence in Teaching from Harvard's Derek Bok Center.

In 2009 he joined the MacArthur Foundation Law and Neuroscience Project, at the University of California Santa Barbara, as a post-doctoral research fellow. In 2010-11 he became associate director of the Project and a visiting scholar at Vanderbilt Law School. In 2011-12 he was a visiting assistant professor at Tulane University Law School and The Murphy Institute.

Criminal Law

Law and Neuroscience


Brain Science for Lawyers, Judges, and Policymakers (Oxford University Press, 2024)
Owen D. Jones
Jeffrey D. Schall
Morris B. Hoffman
Anthony D. Wagner
Law and Neuroscience (Aspen Publishers, 2d ed., 2021) (coursebook)
Owen D. Jones
Jeffrey Schall
Law and Neuroscience (Aspen Publishers, 1st ed., 2014) (coursebook)
Owen D. Jones
Jeffrey Schall
The Casualty Gap: The Causes and Consequences of American Wartime Inequalities (Oxford University Press, 2010)
Douglas L. Kriner
The Education Mayor: Improving America's Schools (Georgetown University Press, 2007)
Kenneth K. Wong
Dorothea Anagnostopoulos
Stacey A. Rutledge

Journal Articles

Ethical, Legal, and Policy Challenges in Field-Based Neuroimaging Research Using Emerging Portable MRI Technologies: Guidance for Investigators and for Oversight, 11:1 Journal of Law and the Biosciences (2024)
Frances Lawrenz
Donnella S. Comeau
Kafui Dzirasa
Barbara J. Evans
Damien Fair
Martha J. Farah
S. Duke Han
Judy Illes
Jonathan D. Jackson
Eran Klein
Karen S. Rommelfanger
Matthew S. Rosen
Efraín Torres
Paul Tuite
J. Thomas Vaughan
Michael Garwood
Returning Individual Research Results from Digital Phenotyping in Psychiatry, 24 American Journal of Bioethics 69 (2024) (lead author with 27 co-authors)
Brain Imaging with Portable Low-Field MRI, 1 Nature Reviews Bioengineering 617 (2023)
W. Taylor Kimberly
Annabel J. Sorby-Adams
Andrew G. Webb
Ed X. Wu
Rachel Beekman
Ritvij Bowry
Steven J. Schiff
Adam de Havenon
Gordon Sze
Pamela Schaefer
Juan Eugenio Iglesias
Matthew S. Rosen
Kevin N. Sheth
An Ethics Checklist for Digital Health Research in Psychiatry: Viewpoint, 24(2) Journal of Medical Internet Research e31146 (2022)
Benjamin C. Silverman
Patrick Monette
Sara Kimble
Scott L. Rauch
Justin T. Baker
Justice for Emerging Adults After Jones: The Rapidly Developing Use of Neuroscience to Extend Eighth Amendment Miller Protections to Defendants Ages 18 and Older, 97:30 New York University Law Review Online 101 (2022) (lead author with others)
Emerging Ethical Issues Raised by Highly Portable MRI Research in Remote and Resource-limited International Settings, 238 NeuroImage (2021)
Supriya Bhavnani
Sean Deoni
Jed T. Elison
Damien Fair
Michael Garwood
Michael S. Gee
Sairam Geethanath
Kendrick Kay
Kevin O. Lim
Georgia Lockwood Estrin
Monica Luciana
David Peloquin
Karen Rommelfanger
Nicoline Schiess
Khan Siddiqui
Efraín Torres
J. Thomas Vaughan
Quasi-Professional Negligence: A New Standard of Care for Volunteer Youth Sports Coaches, 20 Virginia Sports and Entertainment Law Journal 127 (2021)
Warren Cormack
Joseph Graen
Jennifer Novo
Teaching Law and Artificial Intelligence, 22 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 23 (2021)
Brendan Johnson
Toward a Definition of “Neurolaw”, 15 University of St. Thomas Journal of Law & Public Policy 174 (2021)
Aging Judges, 81 Ohio State Law Journal 235 (2020)
Ethical Issues Posed by Field Research Using Highly Portable and Cloud-Enabled Neuroimaging, 105 Neuron 771-775 (2020)
Ramon Gilberto Gonzalez
Michael Garwood
Litigation Risks Despite Guideline Adherence for Acute Spinal Cord Injury: Time Is Spine, 49(5) Neurosurgical Focus E17 (2020)
Daniel Rafter
Ranveer Vasdev
Duncan Hurrelbrink
Mark Gormley III
Tabitha Chettupally
Uzma Samadani
The American Public Is Ready to Accept Human-Animal Chimera Research, 15 Stem Cell Reports 804 (2020)
Andrew T. Crane
Jennifer L. Brown
Warren Cormack
Mercedes Ruiz-Estevez
Joseph P. Voth
Tsutomu Sawai
Taichi Hatta
Misao Fujita
Walter C. Low
The Intersectionality of Age and Gender on the Bench: Are Younger Female Judges Harsher with Serious Crimes?, 40 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 128 (2020)
Morris B. Hoffman
Vijeth Iyengar
Frank Krueger
Concise Review: Human‐Animal Neurological Chimeras: Humanized Animals or Human Cells in an Animal?, 37 Stem Cells 444 (2019)
Andrew T. Crane
Joseph P. Voth
Walter C. Low
Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, and the Case Against Solitary Confinement, 21 Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment and Technology Law 937 (2019)
The Failure of Youth Sports Concussion Laws and the Limits of Legislating Health Education, 19 Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law & Ethics 1 (2019)
Sydney Diekmann
Christine Egan
Carly Rasmussen
Are Youth Sports Concussion Statutes Working?, 56 Duquesne Law Review 7 (2018)
Decoding Guilty Minds: How Jurors Attribute Knowledge and Guilt, 71 Vanderbilt Law Review 241 (2018)
Matthew R. Ginther
Richard J. Bonnie
Morris B. Hoffman
Owen D. Jones
Kenneth W. Simons
How Dangerous Are Youth Sports for the Brain: A Review of the Evidence, 7 Berkeley Journal of Entertainment and Sports Law 67 (2018)
Carly Rasmussen
Sydney Diekmann
Christine Egan
Tyler Johnson
Minority Mens Rea: Racial Bias and Criminal Mental States, 68 Hastings Law Journal 1007 (2017)
The Limited Effect of Electroencephalography Memory Recognition Evidence on Assessments of Defendant Credibility, Journal of Law and the Biosciences (2017)
Emily Twedell
Caitlin Opperman
Jordan Dean Scott Krieg
Mikaela Brandt-Fontaine
Joshua Panduro Preston
Jaleh McTeigue
Alina Yasis
Morgan Carlson
Conscription, Inequality, and Partisan Support for War, 60 Journal of Conflict Resolution 1419 (2016)
Douglas L. Kriner
Invisible Inequality: The Two Americas of Military Sacrifice, 46 University of Memphis Law Review 545 (2016)
Douglas L. Kriner
Law and Neuroscience 2.0, 48 Arizona State Law Journal 1043 (2016)
Neurolegislation: How U.S. Legislators Are Using Brain Science, 29 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 495 (2016)
Neuroscientific Evidence as Instant Replay, 3 Journal of Law and the Biosciences 343 (2016)
Parsing the Behavioral and Brain Mechanisms of Third-Party Punishment, 36 Journal of Neuroscience 9420 (2016)
Matthew R. Ginther
Richard J. Bonnie
Morris B. Hoffman
Kenneth W. Simons
Owen D. Jones
René Marois
The Legal Implications of Detecting Alzheimer’s Disease Earlier, 18 AMA Journal of Ethics 1207 (2016)
Joshua Preston
Jaleh McTeigue
Caitlin Opperman
Jordan Krieg
Mikaela Brandt-Fontaine
Alina Yasis
The Overlooked History of Neurolaw, 85 Fordham Law Review 667 (2016)
Red States, Blue States, and Brain States Issue Framing, Partisanship, and the Future of Neurolaw in the United States, 658 The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 86 (2015) 
Dena M. Gromet
Reassessing American Casualty Sensitivity: The Mediating Influence of Inequality, 58 Journal of Conflict Resolution 1174 (2014)
Douglas L. Kriner
Responding to War on Capitol Hill: Battlefield Casualties, Congressional Response, and Public Support for the War in Iraq, 58 American Journal of Political Science 157 (2014)
Douglas L. Kriner
Sentencing Enhancement and the Crime Victim's Brain, 46 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 405 (2014)
The Language of Mens Rea, 67 Vanderbilt Law Review 1327 (2014)
Matthew R. Ginther
Richard J. Bonnie
Morris B. Hoffman
Owen D. Jones
Rene Marois
Kenneth W. Simons
Legislating Neuroscience: The Case of Juvenile Justice, 46 Loyola of Los Angeles Law Review 985 (2013)
Mind, Body, and the Criminal Law, 98 Minnesota Law Review 2036 (2013)
Neuroscience, Mental Privacy, and the Law, 36 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 653 (2013)
Rape, Money, and the Psychology of Taboo, 43 Journal of Applied Social Psychology 1015 (2013)
Community Support for Mayoral Control of Urban School Districts: A Critical Reexamination, 44 Education and Urban Society 342 (2012)
How Citizens Respond to Combat Casualties: The Differential Impact of Local Casualties on Support for the War in Afghanistan, 76 Public Opinion Quarterly 761 (2012)
Douglas L. Kriner
Brain Scans as Evidence: Truths, Proofs, Lies, and Lessons, 62 Mercer Law Review 861 (2011) (Symposium issue: Brain Sciences in the Courtroom)
Owen D. Jones
How We Still Fail Rape Victims: Reflecting on Responsibility and Legal Reform, 22 Columbia Journal of Gender and Law 1 (2011)
Law and Neuroscience: Possibilities For Prosecutors, 33 CDAA Prosecutor's Brief 17 (2011) (invited essay)
Sorting Guilty Minds, 86 New York University Law Review 1306 (2011)
Morris B. Hoffman
Owen D. Jones
Joshua D. Greene
Rene Marois
The Law and Neuroscience Bibliography: Navigating the Emerging Field of Neurolaw, 38 International Journal of Legal Information 352 (2010)
The Overlooked Utility of the Defendant Class Action, 88 Denver University Law Review 73 (2010)
Limited War and American Political Engagement, 71 Journal of Politics 1514 (2009)
Douglas L. Kriner
Iraq Casualties and the 2006 Senate Elections, 32 Legislative Studies Quarterly 507 (2007)
Douglas L. Kriner
Mayoral Leadership Matters: Lessons Learned From Mayoral Control of Large Urban School Systems, 82 Peabody Journal of Education 737 (2007)
Kenneth K. Wong
Measuring the Effectiveness of City and State Takeover as a School Reform Strategy, 78:4 Peabody Journal of Education 89 (2003)
Kenneth K. Wong
Big City Mayors And School Governance Reform: The Case of School District Takeover, 78:1 Peabody Journal of Education 5 (2003)
Kenneth K. Wong
Politics of State-Led Reform in Education: Market Competition and Electoral Dynamics, 16 Educational Policy 161 (2002)
Kenneth K. Wong

Book Chapters

Race, Ethnicity, and Education Policy, in The Oxford Handbook of Racial and Ethnic Politics in the United States (David L. Leal, Taeku Lee, & Mark Sawyer, eds., Oxford University Press, published online 2014)
Jennifer L. Hochschild
Law and Neuroscience in the United States, in International Neurolaw: A Comparative Analysis 349 (Tade Spranger, ed., Springer, 2012)
Owen D. Jones
Monetizing Memory Science: Neuroscience and the Future of PTSD Litigation, in Memory and Law 325 (Lynn Nadel & Walter P. Sinnott-Armstrong, eds., Oxford University Press, 2012)
Education Mayors and Big City School Boards: New Directions, New Evidence, in The Future of School Board Governance: Relevancy and Revelation 441 (Thomas L. Alsbury, ed., Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2008)
Kenneth K. Wong
Charter Law and Charter Operation: Re-Examining the Charter School Marketplace, in Charter School Outcomes 131 (Mark Berends, Matthew G. Springer & Herbert J. Walberg, eds., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007)
Kenneth K. Wong
Politics and Religion, in Divided States of America: The Slash and Burn Politics of the 2004 Presidential Election (Larry Sabato, ed., Pearson/Longman, 2006)
Russell Muirhead
Nancy L. Rosenblum
Daniel Schlozman
When Mayors Lead Urban Schools: Assessing the Effects of Mayoral Takeover, in Besieged: School Boards and the Future of Education Politics 81 (William G. Howell, ed., Brookings Institution Press, 2005)
Kenneth K. Wong
Political Economy of Charter School Funding Formulas: Exploring State-to-State Variations, in Money, Politics and Law: Intersections and Conflicts in the Provision of Educational Opportunity 171 (Karen DeMoss & Kenneth K. Wong, eds., Eye on Education, 2004)
Kenneth K. Wong
Does Title I Money Matter? Federal Compensatory Funding and Student Achievement, in Efficiency, Accountability, and Equity Issues in Title 1 Schoolwide Program Implementation 57 (Kenneth K. Wong & Margaret C. Wang, eds., Information Age Pub., 2002)

Book Reviews

Mayors and Schools: Minority Voices and Democratic Tensions in Urban Education, 43 Urban Affairs Review 288 (2007) (reviewing Stephanie Chambers, Mayors and Schools: Minority Voices and Democratic Tensions in Urban Education (Temple University Press, 2006))

Editorials, Commentary & Letters

You Can Love the Brain and Football, Too, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Jan. 31, 2018 (op-ed)
Chicago Wants An Elected School Board: Here's What Needs To Happen Now, Crain’s Chicago Business, Feb. 26, 2015 (op-ed)
Neuroscience is coming to the law. Can we keep politics out of it?, Washington Post, Feb. 25, 2015 (op-ed)
Dena Gromet
For Better Minneapolis Schools, Embrace Mayoral Control, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Sept. 18, 2013
America's "Casualty Gap", Los Angeles Times, May 28, 2010, at A25 (op-ed)
Douglas L. Kriner
Baseball's What We Need, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Oct. 26, 2004, at C15 (op-ed)
No Clear Picture Of Charter Schools, San Diego Union-Tribune, July 8, 2001 (op-ed)
Kenneth K. Wong
Lessons From State's Charter Schools, Grand Rapids Press, June 22, 2001, at A7 (op-ed)
Kenneth K. Wong

Other Publications

Advanced Neurotechnology and Informed Consent in Neurosurgery: Ethical and Legal Perspectives, 24 CNSQ 6 (2023)
Ian Stevens
Ilona Cenolli
Robert J. Kim
Jasmine A. Kwasa
Essence Leslie
Alexis LiDonde
Christiana O. Oshotse
Maya V. Roytman
Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz
A Historic Opportunity to Update Asylum Law's Outdated Assumptions About Trauma and Memory, 174(8) Annals of Internal Medicine 1163 (2021)
Erin Shortell
Aldis H. Petriceks
Judith G Edersheim
Continuing the Dialog on Human-Animal Chimerism: Response to Bolo, Wills, and Maschke, 16(2) Stem Cell Reports 227 (2021) 
Andrew T. Crane
Walter C. Low
Battlefield Casualties and Ballot-Box Defeat: Did the Bush–Obama Wars Cost Clinton the White House?, 53 PS: Political Science & Politics 248 (2020)
Douglas L. Kriner
Racial Injustice and Neuroethics: Time for Action, 11 AJOB Neuroscience 212 (2020)
How the Burden of Afghanistan Could Fall on Trump’s Supporters, Politico Magazine, Aug. 23, 2017
Douglas L. Kriner
Keeping Up with Neurolaw: What to Know and Where to Look, 50 Court Review 104 (2014)
When Elected School Boards Disappear, Living Education eMagazine (Summer 2013)
Mayors Can Be "Prime Movers" of Urban School Improvement, 29:7 Education Week S11 (Oct. 14, 2009)
Kenneth K. Wong
Assessing Charter School Performance in Illinois: A Pilot Study Using Error-Band Analysis (National Center on School Choice Working Paper, 2007)
Kenneth K. Wong
An Evaluation Of Intradistrict Equity In Massachusetts (Pioneer Institute for Public Policy, 2003) (Research Brief)
Martin R. West
Does School District Takeover Work? Assessing the Effectiveness of City and State Takeover as a School Reform Strategy, The State Education Standard 19 (Spr. 2002)
Kenneth K. Wong
Can School District Takeover Work? Assessing The Effectiveness Of City And State Takeover As A School Reform Strategy, ERIC/CUE Digest EDO-UD-02-3 (2002)
Kenneth K. Wong
Rethinking the Fiscal Role of the States in Public Education, 17:5 Government Finance Review 8 (Oct. 2001)
Kenneth K. Wong